BGuiled Debate donates 2023 event proceeds to Access Pro Bono and Everyone Legal Clinic
The organizers of the 2023 BGuiled Debate generously donated $4,444 in event proceeds to the Access Pro Bono Society of BC, in support of its pro bono programs and Everyone Legal Clinic.
A riff on Allard Law's longstanding Robert H. Guile, K.C. Memorial Debate, the BGuiled Debate is an annual legal comedy event organized and hosted by members of the BC bar.
The 2023 Debate Finals took place on March 2, 2023 at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre in Vancouver. Two teams (Nazanin Khodorami and Eli Zbar on one side, Robert Biggar and Kai Benson on the other) presented speeches to a lively audience, for and against the maxim: “BE IT RESOLVED THAT NO ONE SHOULD BE THE JUDGE IN THEIR OWN CASE".
The submissions were judged by the Honourable Justice David Crossin, BC Attorney General Niki Sharma KC and lawyers Scott Morishita, Michael Bain KC and Greg Allen, with Khodorami and Zbar deemed the ultimate winners.
The event sponsors were: Allen McMillan Litigation Counsel, Clark Wilson LLP, Lawson Lundell LLP, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Macushla LLP and Charthouse Lawyers.